David and Goliath

Stand Tall 

  Courage in the face of adversity The classic David and Goliath story has been told throughout history across various religions and cultures.  The setting was sometime in the 11th Century in a place called The Valley of Elah, located on the border of the West Bank about 46 minutes’ drive from Jerusalem. Ancient Israel…

Personal Brand

Build Your Personal Brand

Becoming A Reputable Asset    Do you know that we are all building our personal brands by the things we say and do every time? Whether you know it or not, people are forming perceptions about you based on what they observe. These perceptions influence the kind of opportunities that come your way, especially in…

Maintain A Positive Mind-Set

Learn From the Process  Over the past couple of months, especially since the outbreak of the coronavirus, several studies have been carried out to ascertain the psychological effect of the pandemic on people and how they are coping with the crisis. In a publication released in April 2020, psychologists from the University of Ibadan, the…

Live A Value-Adding Life

Living for Others I read a story some time ago about 25 people in a training session. The facilitator started the session drawing the attention of the participants to a glass room filled with balls. He said to them; “There are 25 balls in that room with each participant’s name written on them. Now, every…

Make The Best of Today

Making Lemonades from Lemons  Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, the way we live has been disrupted as we observe various precautions like social distancing, use of nose masks and face shields to curb the spread. In addition, almost all day to day activities have moved from physical engagements to digital interactions; things like…

Half Time Pause

Half Time

Pause, Rest and Reset. Like most competitive sports, football has its rest period after the first 45 minutes of play. It’s called Half-time. At half time, players along with their coaches get to rest, review their tactics so far and restrategize for the second half of the match. I have seen on several occasions how…

Understand Your Environment

It’s All Around You While the world was trying to understand the fast-spreading coronavirus, 17-year-old Avi Schiffmann, from Washington State, USA launched a homemade website in December 2019 to track the spread of the virus right from his bedroom. Avi who began teaching himself to code at age seven (7), mainly by watching YouTube videos…

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Go from Good to Great  Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch I recently came across this quote and I think it’s so profound! According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, a comfort zone is a situation in which you feel comfortable. A place where your ability and determination are…

Hard Work

Doing the required Unarguably one of the greatest basketball players of our time, Kobe Bryant started his career at Lower Merion High School in Philadelphia, USA. He was later drafted into the NBA in 1996. In his 20-year career with the Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe became the favourite of many basketball fans. His skills and…

The Winning Mindset

It Begins in The Mind If you asked anyone who has achieved greatness in life to share their top 3 success factors, I can assure you that having the right mindset would be one of them. One person to consider when talking about the effect of a winning mindset is one of the greatest sporting…